On October 11, 2012, I spoke at the PCUA Social Centric Conference. My presentation was all about Leveraging LinkedIn for Credit Unions.

Everyone knows the power word-of-mouth has when it comes to an organization’s reputation, image, and growth. And today’s tech-savvy consumers have created an environment where members interact with not only their friends and family, but also their credit unions — from anywhere!

With so many tweets, status updates, blog posts, and videos circulating, it can be a challenge to learn how to effectively use social media, let alone the idea of finding and interacting with the influencers within the virtual world. It’s no wonder so many of us feel overwhelmed by the task of integrating all media channels into one cohesive marketing strategy.

Be where your members are. Know what they are saying. And nurture this community with meaningful relationships.

The speakers at our Social Centric Conference will discuss some of the major trends occurring today, what’s emerging, and how credit unions can harness the power of a strong social media strategy. Hear from experts, both in the credit union movement and in the marketing industry, on how to effectively interact and engage your members.

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